This is champ

It’s rare for birds born into the meat and egg industries to get the chance at a happy ending, but just over a week ago these fluffy little fellows were given the chance to discover human (and canine) kindness. They were rescued from an almost certainly grim future by photographer Candice, and the unlikely foster parent Champ.

His owner rescued chicks from a meat industry

Noticing that her local feed store, in California, was closing down and disposing of all their ‘stock’ — including a dozen barely week-old chicks — Candice was compelled to act. She stepped in to spare the chicks from being sold and most likely raised for meat, and took them into foster care until a forever home could be found.

He is now a foster dad and is inseparable from his chicks

Initially cautious about introducing the chicks to Champ, her eleven-year-old golden retriever, Candice’s fears quickly proved to be unfounded. Whilst Champ had been a rambunctious puppy, he was now an older, calmer (and perhaps wiser) dog. Even though he’d never seen chicks before, he showed them the same patience and kindness Candice had shown the chicks have a new dad and home and are very happy.