42 Kind Celebs Who Met Fans And Left Such A Positive Impression, They Had To Share It Online
We’ve all heard horror stories about celebrities who are absolute nightmares to work with. Once you become a star, it’s easy to find yourself in a bubble surrounded by yes-men who will cater to your every whim and allow you to treat them poorly without any consequences. But, if you can believe it, there are some famous people out there who have managed to stay humble and still treat everyone they meet with respect.
Redditors have been sharing stories of celebrity encounters they’ve had with stars who were surprisingly genuine and friendly, so we’ve gathered the most wholesome tales below. Enjoy reading these stories that might make you love your fave actor even more, and be sure to upvote the ones that you’d like everyone to read!
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Ive heard many stories about Robin Williams being really kind and supportive to other people in the entertainment industry. Plus he named his daughter Zelda.
I don't swoon over celebrities, however I always wanted to meet him. RIP, you brilliant man.😥
Steve Zahn lives in my city and frequents the gas station I work at. One day he helped a man push his truck onto our lot and then gave the guy a twenty for gas. He talks to everyone like he's known them forever, drives a big pick-up truck, and he's always smiling.
Another story about him- one day while driving home my mom stopped to help an old man who had fallen out of his wheelchair at the end of his driveway. She's tiny and was struggling. Steve pulls up, hops out of his truck, helps her, they high-five, and he gets back in his truck and leaves.
I like to think Steve Zahn is just cruising around all day looking for people to help.
John Cena was really cool when I met him at a mall thing for my brother years ago. Stayed for 8 hours to meet all the people lined up to see him. This was during his first big fame blow up so I'm sure he was busy.
He also does a lot of Make a wish stuff. Blends into his surroundings easily though.
John Cena. He hit his 500th Make a Wish gig a few years ago, and he's still going. Seems like a really nice guy.
Let's add Dwayne Johnson to the list as well.
George Takai is a genuinely nice guy. My wife and I were at Planet Comicon in Kansas city last year when he was there, and his line was empty. We were getting his signature for my brother-in-law who is a big Trekkie.
We were expecting the standard shuffle through and signature experience, but he stood up, shook both our hands, and then just talked with us for what seemed like 10-15 minutes, but was probably only about 2.
We talked about his musical and when it was coming to the Midwest, and about his daughter's first job in Iowa, but how she missed the California weather.
He was the highlight of the convention for us.
A few years earlier, at the same con, my wife met Levar Burton. She is a librarian so had a "Read" poster of him from several years back.
She told him how when she was getting ready to move across the country to start grad school the Reading Rainbow episode about the Library of Congress came on, so she took that as a sign that she was making the right move.
He got up and gave a her a big hug, which of course drove the Star Trek fans mad.
Both of those guys are class acts, and really love their fans.
I met Willy Nelson briefly when I was 16. I was pouring liquor at an auditorium he was playing at when he walked up, bought a pepsi and slid a crisp $50 into my front pocket. He winked and said "to the unsung heroes helping me look good on stage." Was really cool and I think about it often. :).
I met Willie backstage (a long time ago) when his Outlaw concert came through Phoenix, Arizona. I worked for a local music distributer at the time which is why a co-worker and I got to go backstage. Waylon Jennings was there, too. Waylon sad mostly quietly but did say hi to each of us. Willie asked how we liked the concert, took my hands in his, leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek. *** [Photo © Getty Images] *** WillieWayl...5baea1.jpg
Tim Curry and Eric Idle are super sweet.
I saw the opening night of Spamalot in Chicago a few years ago and I'm a HUGE Tim Curry fan so I was really hoping to meet him. I've been into Rocky Horror for a very, very long time and it was a huge part of my life when I was younger.
As he is coming through the door, my brother-in-law is shaking my shoulders like hyping me up and I started to cry because I was so excited and overwhelmed. Tim Curry was so sweet about it. He signed a bunch of my Rocky Horror stuff and walked away. And then he came back, kissed his hand and rubbed my cheek with it saying I was a sweet girl.
I died.
As I'm walking away, still crying, someone grabs my arm and asks if I'm okay. I look up and it's Eric f*****g Idle who has just witnessed me sob-crying in front of Tim Curry. I said yes, he hugged me and signed all my stuff, too.
They were so nice and understanding of a crying fan. I felt so foolish but they made it worth the embarrassment.
Not gonna lie, Samuel L. Jackson is like dad levels of nice to you
Like a nice dad sort of way.
Steve Buscemi, from what I've heard.
He used to be a fire fighter in NY. On 9/11 he went to his old station and volunteered with rescue efforts.
I met Noel Fielding when he was in my town for a show. He was leaving the theatre to go for dinner and we ended up waiting at the same crosswalk for the light. I wasn't going to bother him because I guessed he was in a hurry, but the light took forever and I decided this was the one time I'd get to say hi to one of my heroes.
He was really kind and sweet, and took a photo with me and chatted about how his trip to the US was going. He was also ridiculously attractive- even more than on TV. My totally straight husband who was really just tagging along to the show with me said afterwards that even he'd fancied him a little bit. I've never met anyone with that much raw charisma before.
The show was great too.
Noel is indeed a gorgeous man, seen his a few times in Camden Town many, many years ago. Sadly I never had the courage to even say hi
Bryan Cranston.
I met him once in an audio recording immediately after Breaking Bad He came in, told a short funny story which broke the tension. Then he shook everyone's hand while greeting them. After the session he signed a hazmat helmet that a producer wanted to give as a wedding gift (bride groom were huge fans). He was also phenomenal in the booth nailing the script and making it his own. A+ all around.
I mean he seems like a standup guy, in every interview he gives full credit to his support staff, like he reminds people that one joke he did when he did guest appearances on Seinfeld was the idea of a lighting guy. Anyone who makes sure everyone gets proper credit, is a stand up person
Barack Obama. Back when he was a huge underdog in the 2008 election, he came to my city for a town hall meeting. Showed genuine interest in people's concerns and shook hands with everyone he could. Class act.
Taylor Swift! I wasn't even a fan until I met her. I went to a concert with my friend, who is a superfan, and we got picked for the T-Party, which is like a backstage party after the show. She came around to everyone there and spent a few minutes talking with each person. You can tell she genuinely cares about her fans.
Tom Hanks is notorious.
Just don't travel with him. You might end up in a river or stranded on an island or having an emergency in space or running across the country.
Mark Hamill is a genuinely good guy. I worked in a Warner Bros. Store in NYC while I was in college, and we got word one day that he would be coming by with his family, and to make sure any needs he had were met. (Since he voices The Joker, he was a WB VIP) He came in, and stayed in my area for a while. (The floor I worked on sold animation cels and collectibles, and he was really into that stuff.) He was just beaming, happy to talk to people, shake hands, etc. Everyone had to be professional, but we were all smiles, too. The only thing he asked for while he was there was water. Really....I cannot stress how wonderful and nice he is.
I don't know if they count as a celebrities, but I got drunk in bar with Mark Millar (comic book writer, creator of Kick-A*s and Kingsmen) and Tony Harris (Comic Book artist, Starman, Ex Machina) They were in town for a signing at a comic shop, and then invited everyone to go drinking after it was done. Both fun guys. Mark Millar bought me whiskeys & cokes. After we left the bar, they were going to karaoke, but stupid me, I declined the invitation. I still regret that.
Jay Leno. And please, hear me out.
When I was 17 (this was in 2010), I got to go backstage at the Tonight Show because I was a huge fan of the show. After the show, he came into the green room and talked to me and my family for a solid ten minutes.
After we had left the studio, we saw him in his car leaving the studio and signing autographs for fans.
The real kicker: the next year, I graduated high school. Out of nowhere, the dude *sent me a f*****g letter* congratulating me on that.
He couldn't have been nicer to me.
I can second this. My daughter met him at a licensing event for some Hot Wheels toy promotion he was involved with. Took photos with her, talked with her for a while, and when lunchtime came, chose to sit at the table with everyone else while he ate his hot dog, just chatting with her and everyone. No airs or fakeness about him. Just a normal guy.
Matthew McConaughey
Met him at an airport. I was an employee and he had some TSA questions. Genuinely nice, we had a great chat for about 15min. After he was set, we shook hands, he had his kids all thank me individually and shake my hand as well. His wife was reserved but nice as well.
When he then hopped in the TSA line, everyone FREAKED out in line and was taking pictures, swooning, etc. He looked me dead in the eye from across the terminal and gave me a light wave again and turned out around chuckling a bit.
Very good social interaction, would participate again.
John Waters.
The dude is over 70 years old, and he's still touring doing spoken word stuff. He gave one of the most entertaining and hilarious speeches of all time, and then as the show was ending just said "I'm going to be up here signing books afterwards so stick around."
You could tell he was exhausted after, as it was pretty late. Sure enough, hundreds of people lined up to get their books signed, and an attendant was there to grab your phone and take your picture with him. He was such a good sport and made small talk with nearly every person.
I had bought pre-signed books before the show because I didn't know he'd be doing this after, and he offered to personalize them for me anyway. I recommend watching his spoken word special on Netflix if you haven't seen it already. He's an amazing man.
My wife's family has been vacationing in Provincetown for well over 50 years and now my wife and I are carrying on the tradition. John owns a home there and we have both ran into him multiple times. He's such a nice guy. I always try to make my interactions quick, just a "Hello, I'm Jim, It's so nice to see you and I hope you're doing well and we love your work."
Whoopi Goldberg. My wife met her in London, having a smoke outside the hotel we were attending a wedding at. After sharing a smoke together, Woopie came in and had photos with the bride and groom (my wife's sister and brother-in-law) finally uttering the line of the day "It wouldn't be a Jewish wedding without a Goldberg.".
When I met Nick Offerman he was nothing but pleasant, funny and polite. Had a little chat about Toronto (where I live and where I met him). He mentioned his wife and he loved Toronto.
At the time I'd never seen Parks and Rec either. I'll always respect him for his persona, and genuine-ness.
Terry Crews.
Terry Crews did a Tik Tok Amazon ad at the building I work at and they needed some people and when they found out I had a degree in performing they asked if I would do a response shot wiith him and when he sat down (6ft apart, all fully masked until action) and he and I chatted for a good 5/6 minutes while they set up and he was such a kind person!! Someone got a shot at a moment when we were both laughing. Such a genuine and nice person!!!!
I met Bill Murray once and asked for a picture. He responded with "Who the hell do you think you are?". I kind of had a shocked look on his face and he finally told me he was kidding, gave me a handshake/bro-hug and took a picture with me.
About what I expected, and I'm damn happy with that.
Chance the Rapper.
He does more for Chicago, than basically anybody in the politics of Chicago or Illinois.
Sarah Jessica Parker. Ran into her in a deli in NYC... Me and my work partner were in uniform on break sitting down having breakfast. We are city workers. She started a conversation with us. Even signed stuff for us. I've met quite a few celebs in nyc.. She was by far the nicest.
I'm not really familiar with her work, but I've always admired her for keeping the nose.
Met Steven Tyler about 4-5 summers ago while I was in Italy.
Walked by this linen clothing store that was blasting music at around 10pm, and he was the only one inside, dancing and talking to the employees. He came outside to sign an autograph for two girls and as he turned to go back in we made eye contact. All I could think to say was " Y-y-you're Steven Tyler!" and he just replies "F**k yea I am!" I asked him for a picture and he said "hell yea" and pulled my friends and I close and snapped one.
He was definitely a little drunk, but man he couldn't have been a more fun, nice guy.
Living in the Boston area, I have never heard a bad word about Steven Tyler and many people I know have had positive interactions with him...
I've heard Ed Sheeran is a very nice and genuine guy. He loves talking with fans and just regular people on the street.
Harrison ford.
I've heard some not so nice things about Michael Fassbender, but I can 100% confirm he is hotter than a f*****g volcano and pretty good at karaoke.
He even put his arm around me like I'm a normal human being or something. Heck, I'm still swooning.
OH God, I would melt if I got to meet him and have him put his arm around me!!! He is just literally the perfect male specimen.
Hugh Jackman seems like the most genuine, nicest guy ever.
It's a bit pointless having people's opinions in here. There are people in the world who think Donald Trump "seems like" a nice guy. What's interesting is actual experiences
Cary Elwes.
I met him at Comic Con last year. He was honestly the sweetest, most down to earth man ever. He held my hands and hugged me when I told him about my dad and he took the time to meet every fan and chat with them during the signing. All his panels were phenomenal as well.
Through a strange series of events, my dad became friends with Mike Tyson for a few months. This was fairly recent.
He came to our house a few times and we got to go to his house once. I would describe him as humble, funny, and genuinely nice. He never wanted to talk about his own boxing career.
One time he just popped in because he was nearby and didn't want to sit in traffic. Another time my dad asked if he would circle around and wave to our neighbor across the street who was outside. Instead he walked over and talked to the guy for a couple minutes.
He seems to have either been really busy lately or just moved on because he doesn't call or come over anymore.
If he doesn't want to talk much about his boxing career, on what subject will he talk your ear off?
I worked at a hotel for years, and met a few celebrities. The absolute nicest one I met was Luke Wilson. I met him by accident as I was running to catch my ride after my shift, around 3 am. He was coming down the hallway at the same time as me, but neither of us were paying attention. I ran smack into the middle of his chest and fell on my butt. He was incredibly drunk but super friendly and apologetic as he helped me up, I had no idea who he was. I closed with "you look a bit like Luke Wilson" as I carried on my way. He laughed. I found out from my ride that Luke Wilson was actually staying there and then I felt like an a*s.
I'm not a fan.
That said, the two members of Insane Clown Posse, Joseph Joseph & William Utsler, are regularly regarded as some of the kindest people in the music industry.
This is quite the surprise. I am glad to hear that what they do on-stage does not reflect their actual personas.
A few years ago before The Black Keys really exploded I took my brother in law to their concert. He didn't know anything about them just wanted to come along for a fun night out. My BIL went to have a smoke and a few minutes later came back just as the Black Keys were coming out to do their show (this was between them and the opener). He was like, oh I was just talking to that guy down on stage setting up, he was a really cool guy. Turns out he was talking with Dan and a couple of other people outside not knowing who he was at all. I think that's an interesting take, since he thought this person he met was super nice and didn't know he was famous at all.
Karlie Kloss. I went to grade school and high school with her as well as played softball and went to church with her. She is truly the most humble person I have met. Not once did she ever bring up or boast about her modeling lifestyle (which was blowing up at the time), but rather made a point to ask how I was doing instead. She is a truly classy woman and I am glad to have met her!
Jimmy Fallon. Sat next to him and his brother randomly at a baseball game and they were some of the coolest and genuine guys I've ever met. We just talked about baseball and they were asking us about rules they didn't know. And every time a fan would come down to get a picture, he was more than happy to. He was honestly like he is on his show, but slightly more toned down and chill.
Martin Garrix is the nicest dude ever. You shake hands and it's like you've been besties for 10 years.
It's okay when someone says "I met Person X..." and relates a pleasant interaction with that person. But most of this is garbage like "Apparently, Person Y is a really nice guy...". You haven't even met them so you can't comment. Celebrities will be all pleasant when the cameras are on them; wait until you meet them in private and then you can pass judgement.
Most young people have never heard of Perry Como, but he was a very sweet older gentleman. I waited for two hours at the stage door in San Francisco to get his autograph. This tiny Italian man finally came out and signed for us. After doing a whole show, this 80+ year old man was so sweet to everyone.
My family aways watched his TV show when I was younger. A lot younger, LOL. I still like him. He started out as a barber and sang as he worked!
Load More Replies...A friend and I me Alice Cooper at a HORROR CON in Baltimore, MD. My friend was wheelchair bound and you'd have never pegged him as a Cooper fan. He had a "WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE" jack in the box and I was trying to get him to sign it for my friend. I didn't want it to pop open, because his arm was coming off, but it did and his arm went flying and landed on the table in front to him. "Damn, what the hell! You've ripped my arm off!" I was like... Uh...oops... And I told my friend I'd fix it (which I did) Cooper signed it for my friend, got a pic with him and said to me with a laugh "No more rough stuff, I'm fragile." The three of us laughed. Nice guy. I've met many others at different STAR TREK cons and such, but unfortunately my friend passed. I miss him. Those were good times.
It's okay when someone says "I met Person X..." and relates a pleasant interaction with that person. But most of this is garbage like "Apparently, Person Y is a really nice guy...". You haven't even met them so you can't comment. Celebrities will be all pleasant when the cameras are on them; wait until you meet them in private and then you can pass judgement.
Most young people have never heard of Perry Como, but he was a very sweet older gentleman. I waited for two hours at the stage door in San Francisco to get his autograph. This tiny Italian man finally came out and signed for us. After doing a whole show, this 80+ year old man was so sweet to everyone.
My family aways watched his TV show when I was younger. A lot younger, LOL. I still like him. He started out as a barber and sang as he worked!
Load More Replies...A friend and I me Alice Cooper at a HORROR CON in Baltimore, MD. My friend was wheelchair bound and you'd have never pegged him as a Cooper fan. He had a "WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE" jack in the box and I was trying to get him to sign it for my friend. I didn't want it to pop open, because his arm was coming off, but it did and his arm went flying and landed on the table in front to him. "Damn, what the hell! You've ripped my arm off!" I was like... Uh...oops... And I told my friend I'd fix it (which I did) Cooper signed it for my friend, got a pic with him and said to me with a laugh "No more rough stuff, I'm fragile." The three of us laughed. Nice guy. I've met many others at different STAR TREK cons and such, but unfortunately my friend passed. I miss him. Those were good times.