We know how much you like good humor, dear Pandas, so we’ve cooked up a treat for you today. Once again, we’re featuring the El Arroyo restaurant’s legendary funny signs. It was a tough task picking out the best signs from the newest crop because they’re all so deliciously hilarious, but we’ve definitely got the crème de la crème for you to enjoy.
The El Arroyo restaurant is based in Austin, Texas, and has been serving up comedy alongside mouth-watering Tex-Mex dishes since 1975. Remember to upvote your favorite pics as you scroll down. And go ahead and read Bored Panda’s interview with British comedy writer and author Ariane Sherine who told us about the pros of having a limited space or time frame to work with, like when putting together a witty one-liner on a marquee sign.
When you’re done digesting this list, you might find that you’re still hungry for some more El Arroyo humor. You’ll find Bored Panda’s most recent articles about the restaurant’s signs right here, here, and here for dessert. And of course, if you’ve got any sign ideas that you’d love to submit to El Arroyo, you can do that right over here.
More info: ElArroyo.com | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
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I hate most people EDIT: Except for bored pandas , u guys are nice
Comedy writer Ariane, from the United Kingdom, told Bored Panda that the shorter the joke, the better it tends to be. In other words, the fact that El Arroyo’s sign has very limited space for just a few words can actually be a huge advantage. Especially as people’s attention spans keep getting shorter and shorter.
“There's a saying: 'Brevity is the soul of wit'. Often, keeping things short and snappy is the key to making them funny,” the comedy expert explained to us. "Even more so these days, as people have short attention spans and there's so much content competing for their attention.”
For me it's my big toe. Fun fact : I only cried for an hour last time I stubbed my toe
However, just because a joke is short doesn’t automatically mean that it’s going to get the audience roaring with laughter. The comedian has to strike a balance between brevity and being informative.
“It's great to be concise, but when making a short joke or one-liner, ensure you've included all the information necessary. There's no point in making your quip short if it doesn't contain enough info for the joke to work!” the comedy writer told Bored Panda.
“Also, it's all the more important to make sure you don't stumble over your words when delivering the quip, as there are fewer of them,” she added that there’s another element to keep track of when you take your jokes from text and turn them into speech.
In Ariane’s view, whether we prefer short-form comedy like El Arroyo’s or long-form jokes is all down to individual taste.
“Some comics love telling long rambling stories, and others tell snappy one-liners. I personally like one-liners but I find that watching a comic come out with 20 minutes of them can get a bit wearing. Each to their own!”
Some time ago, Lisa McLendon, the William Allen White Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Kansas explained to Bored Panda what the most important things are when making any sign.
"Clarity and brevity are essential. You only have a second or two to get your message across, so you want people to understand quickly with zero confusion," the professor told Bored Panda that signs have to be to-the-point and without any unnecessary details that could distract from their message.
my passwords before: pUpP13s 4ev@h & r@ainbow%uni(0rn$ my passwords now: 123abc
"Don’t carve an error in stone. It’s embarrassing and expensive to fix. Proofreading before you produce, whether it’s stone or not, is absolutely necessary," she noted that proofreading is cheaper and easier than fixing costly mistakes down the line.
"Choose your font with readability in mind. It should be clear and readable at a distance; you don’t want to make people puzzle through a swirly script," the professor added that the font can make or break any sign.
Earlier, Bored Panda had spoken to Laura Schulte, the social media manager at El Arroyo. She was kind enough to tell us all about the iconic marquee sign that has become a local landmark.
The sign was put out on the street over a quarter of a century ago by the original owner of the restaurant. The goal was to promote the specials and to write funny quotes.
He was a lawyer before becoming a comedian. But turns out, it pays to have an actor as a president (he can really hit the emotional spot with all his speeches).
If you dress like a cowboy then you are 1 fifth of the Village People.
According to Laura, El Arroyo gets several sign idea submissions each day from people all over the globe. She told us that the staff picks the best by seeing “what makes us laugh and is most applicable to current events.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most popular signs are those that most people can relate to. “We've seen a lot of success with our signs about past elections, and current events such as commentary on the pandemic,” the social media manager told Bored Panda.
Which of these signs did you love the most, Pandas? Have you ever been to El Arroyo in person? What funny one-liner would you love for the restaurant to feature on its marquee sign? Share your thoughts with all the other Pandas in the comment section.
Travelling to a Sunday morning footy match in a convoy of four or five cars. We stopped at some traffic lights and from the car in front four blokes suddenly jumped out, leaving one guy, sitting on his own. His shoulders were heaving up and down as he laughed long and hard. The four then jumped back in and proceeded to give him the slap he so richly deserved.
Yes, communication is key, but who told you I wanted to communicate?
Unrelated, but a girl has a qr code on her locker that leads to Never Gonna Give You Up. Yes I tested.