Tech Support People Are Sharing The Worst Cases They’ve Seen While On The Job (50 New Pics)
Welcome to the little-documented world where things like plastic fry-ups, cable wasp nests, and lumps of hand grease are a daily occurrence.
Where tech support heroes, aka employees, are there for their desperate clients, tackling the worst and the best fails. Where computers fail us, processors die, monitors crash, but yet we still find the light at the end of the tunnel. Because tomorrow is a new day at remote work. And unless you’re tuning in on your baked laptop, you may as well count yourself as unemployed.
So please, ladies and gents, scroll through tech hell and back in this compilation of pics presented to us by the Tech Support Gore subreddit. No amount of eye rolls is gonna save us from the misery and sheer level of relatability for whatever happened there.
Psst! More painfully funny and cringe-worthy tech and gadget disasters are waiting in part 1 and part 2.
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Before And After. I Thought I Was 100% Prepared For Some Work I Got In A Remote Village Institution. Well This Was At Least What I Was Able To Achieve
User Spilt Coffee On His Laptop - So He Put It In The Oven To Dry It Out
Printer From Hell
Bored Panda reached out to Redditor @smarthawk, who shared a picture of a toasted keyboard on r/techgore which amassed 10.4k upvotes. The caption said: “User spilled coffee on his laptop - so he put it in the oven to dry it out…” Turns out, @smarthawk has been working in IT support for the past 5 years, so he has seen a lot of cases like this.
“I think that they are accurate depictions of some of the things you run into in hardware support,” the IT support specialist told us when asked if pictures posted on r/techgore reflect the truth or are exaggerated. He added: “Some things are obviously more shocking than others.”
Instructions Unclear
“Can You Recover The Data?”
Actually, it is possible. There are companies that specialise in this.
Needle. Haystack
On the other hand, “I think that the general population is definitely getting more comfortable using technology but, no matter how confident you are, there's always moments where someone has a brainfart and breaks something,” @smarthawk said. In that sense, even if you’re very familiar with technology, faux pas still happen and your gadget may end up on the wall of r/techgore.
I Am Not Proud Of This
User Said It Got Caught In The Subway Doors...
Say Hello To Big Bertha, A 1.69 Tb Text File. Over 108 Billion Lines
A text file?!? Of what, Library of Congress, Library of Alexandria, and the last two centuries of Encyclopedia Britannica?
But when it comes to tech-savviness, the difference between generations is obvious. While many people of older generations still struggle to navigate in tech, gens like gen Z and gen X have already grown up with it, not knowing what it means not to have a smartphone.
In fact, a 2018 study by Pew Center showed that fully 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online 'almost constantly.' The same survey also found that there is no clear consensus among teens about the effect that social media has on the lives of young people today. Minorities of teens describe that effect as mostly positive (31%) or mostly negative (24%), but the largest share (45%) says that effect has been neither positive nor negative.
Work From Home Equipment Returned
That’s just gross, disrespectful and rude. Treat other people’s property with respect.
My Team Took Over A Buildings It And Found Their Dumping Ground
There Was A Breakdown In Communications...
However, the situation is much different in the elder part of the population. Pew Research studies continue to show that, while internet access among those 65+ is inching up, among the oldest age cohorts, two-thirds of the 74+ population do not own a computer (laptop or desktop), and virtually none have a tablet computer or smartphone.
User Claimed They Spilled A Small Glass Of Water On Their Laptop
Tired Of Losing Your Adapter?
There is brilliant brilliant and then there is what-the-eff-were-you-thinking brilliant. This is the latter.
Visited Grandma And Confiscated This One
The gap in online access among the older seniors can be explained by keeping in mind the complex process for getting equipment and the service to acquire it. First, a senior must obtain both an internet service plan of some type and a relatively current computer that is fast enough to use with today’s graphics-rich websites.
Moreover, the computer must be configured with a user’s individual information; and someone must be available, especially early on, to provide training on the use of the device and support for questions about online tools. What makes it harder is that most technology innovation is targeted at youth, who virtually have no struggle implementing tech novelties in their daily life.
How Is That Possible?
I've seen such solutions in real life and they seem to work for quite some time. It only becomes a problem if one little part of it stops working.
"Our Scanner Stopped Working And I Don't How To Plug It Back In"
You have to admire the persistence. If it doesn't come off, yank harder. Our ancestors thrived with this mindset and a lot of broken stone tools.
Frontier Airlines: "75% Of Our Stuff Is Broken"
While technology continues to seep into every aspect of our lives, many adults in the US remain divided about what impact it has on our lives. The Harris Poll showed that strong majorities believe that technology has improved the overall quality of their lives (71%) and encourages people to be more creative (68%).
However, strong majorities also believe technology is creating a lazy society (73%), has become too distracting (73%), is corrupting interpersonal communications (69%), and is having a negative impact on literacy (59%).
My Gpu Finaly Fits In My Computer
Okay maybe where this person is, rulers or measurement tapes aren't a thing.
No Money For A Rack? Don't Worry! Use My Desk. I Don't Need It Anyway. (Government Office)
Clientr: Hi, I Have This PC That Makes Noise And Slowly Walks Or Shut Off Alone. In The Way, Could You Clean It? Me: ._.
New House Find, Do You Think It’ll Play Crysis? It Doesn’t Seem To Have Any Problems Playing Rust
It should also be noted that just like in computer literacy, generations hold differing opinions when looking at any aspect of technology. Knowing that millennials are traditionally the most attuned to their tech devices, it comes as no surprise that this group is more likely to say technology has had a positive effect on nearly all aspects tested, like: ability to learn new skills (72% vs. 59% Gen Xers, 60% Baby Boomers & 56% Matures), relationships with friends (59% vs. 46%, 36% & 34%), and social life (57% & 42%, 30% & 29%).
The main exception is productivity. The poll showed that millennials are more likely than all other generations to say technology has had a negative effect on their productivity both at home (32% vs. 21% Gen Xers, 20% Baby Boomers & 14% Matures) and at work (14% vs. 8%, 3% & 2%).
I Try To Do The Right Thing, But My Family Is A Bunch Of Savages!
Yeah, but whoever tightened the screws has possible OCD. And I applaud them for that. [Edit] Top left screw slightly more to the left please, it's bugging me.
Management’s Way Of Securing A Loose And Broken Power Brick
Spotted The Baby Monitor Back Panel Was Cracked... Think I've Found The Cause
I Can't Decide Whether To Be Pissed Off Or Impressed At The Fact That They Managed To Use Machine Screws In Drywall Without A Box Frame Or Ancors
An Internet Provider Pulled Fiber To Every Home In My Neighbourhood Almost A Year Ago. They Never Finished The Connections
US government gave them three billion dollars to put high speed Internet into the rural area. They treated it as a gift, and gave themselves all bonuses, and NEVER did anything! Why do we allow this.
Despite many concerns, it’s clear Americans still have a hard time unplugging. When faced with a list of technological devices and general life staples and asked how long they could live without each, majorities of Americans indicate that they could make it a week or less without Internet access (67%), a computer/laptop (60%), mobile phone (59%), or television (55%), with over two in ten going so far as to state that they simply could not live without them (27%, 22%, 26% and 21%, respectively).
Chemicals vs. Computer
At Least The Lobby Was Empty When It Happened...
What in the Nine Hells happened here!? Was there some kind of high tech avalanche?
Keyboard Keys Come Off? Don’t Worry, Just Superglue Them Back On!
"Of Course I Put The Toner Cartridge The Right Way In!"...
Yea... my boss did similar thing... the problem was one part of cylinder being worn of and leaving marks on a pronted pages... I checked, saw I cannot solve it, so called a repairmen... My boss thought I am just dumb girl, so he shaked and slammed hard the cartridge... well... it did not help. The spots multiplied for few pages and I had to clean the blue spots all over the printer and floor.
I Guess She Wanted Wireless Keyboards...
We usually do that to notify the hardware is definitely broken. If not, the thing is left there, forgotten, re-tested, re-abandoned because broken, until someone come, re-test it and restart the cycle.
Sorry But Wtf Is This
Uhh they are using the condensation water from the AC to run the water cooling "system" of that PC? It's brilliant in a way but I really don't think this is a good idea.
The Plug From A Pinball Machine I'm Refurbishing
I've Paid For The Whole Tube Of Thermal Paste, I'm Gonna Use The Whole Tube Of Thermal Paste
What In The Name Of F***
Changing These Out Of A UPS Felt More Like Defusing A Bomb
Customers Spray-Painted MacBook Air
Just Some Ipads With Holes Drilled Into Them, As Apparently Some People Don’t Know How To Wipe A Device In Itunes To Remove Data.
Some of these are from stupid regulatory requirements. It produces a lot of wastes for the sake of data security. Personally I would use a magnet but hey I'm just a graying nobody with 2 decades in the business what do I know.
Why Choosing The Cheapest Shipping Option Might Not Be Such A Great Idea
My Friend Wanted Me To Post This Here - Here's My Rpi 1b
Remember Kids...don't Buy Msi Laptops
33 Kilograms Of Apple Pencils That Got Snapped In Half
Pre-Built Office PC Safely Delivered
Show Up To Replace A Desktop And The User Tells Me The Mouse Hasn’t Worked Right In Months…
Taking 5 Year Old Ssds Out Of 8 Year Old Laptops To Make Some 10 Year Old Desktops Less S**t
Are those T series laptops? Those are great. I have a couple of them ~13 years old and still running really well as MS Office machines. Indestructible.
Caught A Glimpse Of A Lovely Looking Cable Job
“Ran The Cable, Anchored To The Wall For Tightness” My Friend Who’s Gonna Drop Some Packets Soon
My Friend Put Breadcrumbs On Purpose On His MacBook In Order To Enlist To A Free Keyboard Replacement Program
There are different levels of awareness when it comes to tech. Some are up-to-date, some a little lagging and apparently some are still in the dark ages. And then there are those in the bronze age.
Hi! Bronze Age rep here! Oh my goodness some of these even my super non tech mind would never find "ok".
Load More Replies...I worked in a fabric / sewing machine store. Our repair guy said he'd only seen one sewing machine that he could not fix...it had been shot.
There are different levels of awareness when it comes to tech. Some are up-to-date, some a little lagging and apparently some are still in the dark ages. And then there are those in the bronze age.
Hi! Bronze Age rep here! Oh my goodness some of these even my super non tech mind would never find "ok".
Load More Replies...I worked in a fabric / sewing machine store. Our repair guy said he'd only seen one sewing machine that he could not fix...it had been shot.