111 Reasons Why Kids Can’t Be Left Alone With Their Dads
As Spiderman's Uncle Ben once famously said, "with great power comes great responsibility," few responsibilities are more significant than that of being a father. And while parenting should be a shared responsibility, fatherhood, however, gives a different depiction of what raising children should look like. Take these dads on our list for example. From innocently drawing eyebrows on your favorite daddy's girl to provide them with more expression to using them as a plate, these funny dad jokes seem to have no end to them.
If you are a freshly baked mom yourself, scroll through these funny parenting memes with caution, because afterward, you might not want to leave the dad and baby alone. On the other hand, without these funny dad memes, parenting can become quite laborious and dull. A good laugh delivered by a dad joke and a funny picture never hurt anyone. Be sure to check our compilation below!
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Two Kiwis
Dad Left Alone With The Baby
When Dad Is Giving Baby A Bath
When Dad Gets The Kids Ready For School
Problem Solved
Ponytail Level: Dad
My Husband May Have Gone Too Far In Dressing Our Son Like An Old Man For School Today
She Wanted A Swing So He Became One
I Left My Husband With The Baby For Ten Minutes
The Only Way My 3 Day-Old Daughter Would Fall Asleep. After Two Hours Of Carrying Her Around I Got Hungry
My Son Was Joe Rogan For His First Halloween
This Is How I've Chosen To Spend My Father's Day
I Asked My Brother How My Niece Was Doing And He Sent Me This. I Don't Think He's Taking Fatherhood Seriously
My mother actually drew this kind of moustache on my upper lip when I was a baby. I was a very difficult child that could cry for eight hours a day, and never let her get a full-night's sleep, I guess that's why!
You Can Tell Me I'm A Bad Dad But This One Is Staying In The Baby Album
Are We Bad Parents?
Mom Said The Kids Have To Stay In Bed
Well... they are in bed! If anyone takes the heat for this, it better be mom. She needs to specify next time. ????
That Is How Dad Solved The Problem
My Attempt At Babysitting
It's not babysitting when you are the dad. It's called parenting.
Found My Husband Like This Getting Our One Year Old To Bed
Such An Unfortunate View
When You Have To Watch The Baby And Shovel Snow
Wife Bought A Label Maker To Help Get Organized With Our New Daughter. I'm Already Finding It Helpful
Drew Eyebrows On My Kid, Was Not Dissapointed
Mom Left Dad Alone With The Baby For One Hour And Came Back To This
Parenting Is Tough. Especially For This Dad
Dad, Will You Put My Hair In A Bun?
Miracle: Multitasking Dad
So My Wife Left Me Alone For A Few Hours
So My Girlfriend Left Me Alone With The Baby
Come Here, Son
It was all fun and games . . . until someone ran out of suction power!
Oops, Sorry, Gonna Clean It Right Now!
How To Dad
An Impressive Stack
New Dad Achievement: Unlocked
He should have put his beer in a bottle and just tilted his head back. . .
Once Upon A Time, Mom Sent Daughter And Dad Off To Buy Her Some Nice New Clothes
Going Away For The Weekend And I Asked My Husband To Pack A Bag For Our Daughter
i make sure the diaper bag fits the baby! it is great for when you have to go potty in the store. don't have to put the baby down or struggle with the one handed pants dance
When You Gotta Play, You Gotta Play
I was often put to sleep in drawers as a baby, and it has never affected me in the slightest. Dad can see his child and if the baby rolls she or he won't fall out.
Dad-Style Grocery Shopping
Asked My Husband To Watch The Baby
When Some Business Call Interrupts Your Time With Son
Comfy As A Water Bed
But Why, Dad?
This Is How Dad Dressed Daughter For The Daycare. Who Needs A Shirt In Summer Anyway
He Broke Into My Eyeliner To Add The Extra Detail On Her Forehead.
When You Are Not Sure If It's Super Creepy Or Super Clever
Gamer Father
Shopping Level: Dad
Multitasking Level: Dad
Dad Who Forgot How To Parent
With all the animal accidents of late this may not be such bad parenting after all
When Wife Is Not Home And Nothing To Eat. Time For A Big Kiwi
Combining Fatherhood And Xbox
Mom Asked Dad To Help Son Make A Cake For Big Cub Scout Cake Walk...and Left Them Unsupervised.
Attentive Dad Playing With Daughter
Baby Lecter.
Why Daddy Can't Watch The Kid
Not Cheerios This Time
Banana Head Isn't Impressed
Not Everytime It's The Dad.
Daddy Teaching His Son How To Be A Laser Tag Champ
The Milkman
When Dad Says: Go On Son, Take The Piggy To Market
This is how animals have been taken to and from markets for hundreds of years and it still happens in countries where people don't have access to the Internet to make ridiculous comments about life elsewhere in the world. Pigs are stubborn animals, and it's difficult to get them to go anywhere, get a grip.
Money Well Spent
Kids Can't Move And Still Entertained
Daddy Is Going To The Restaurant With The Kids, Told Him To Put Something Pretty On Them
chances are that little girl picked all of that out to wear..mine used to do the same thing, purple cowboy boots with an orange tutu? of course! pick your battles!! *lol*
Gaming And Parenting
I Told My Husband To Put Our Daughter To Bed
He's supposed to be at home putting the baby to bed, instead he has her out while he's drinking.
Mum Away Workout
All fun and innocent until someone asks where she got the marks that look like welts (for a short period of time)
Many Faces Of Leila And A Travel Pillow - When Mommy Takes A Nap And Daddy Is Left In Charge
Free Stuff
Mum's Out, Dad's In Charge, 3 Kiddies To Look After No Problem!
Haha! My kids used to play in the dog cage when they were little too!