“Humor State University”: 30 Funny Memes About Life As A Student That Have People Laughing Through The Tears
Ah, good old university days. A time of life where everything is a little bit chaotic, a little bit confusing, and a whole lot of fun. From staying up all night studying for exams to navigating the maze of course schedules, there's never a dull moment during your time as a student. And let's not forget about the sometimes hard-to-remember parties, lifelong friendships, and the indelible memories that come with them.
With so many experiences to be had, it's no wonder that university culture has become a source of inspiration for innumerable memes and jokes. If you're a student or alum looking to relive some of the funniest and most relatable moments of your academic years, you came to the right place! Let us introduce you to “Humor State University”, a Facebook page that shares the funniest memes, posts, and jokes about college and university life. From all-too-well-known struggles to the hilarious moments, “Humor State University” has you covered. Scroll down for your daily dose of laughter and nostalgia!
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I was an excellent student and tutor, but I choked on quizzes/tests. Every. Single. Time. To this day, decades later, I choke on forms (quizzes for non-students). I stare at the forms, anxiety builds, and my mind goes blank.
Being a student is not only about acquiring knowledge of a specific subject, but also about developing in other ways, including emotionally, physically, philosophically, and socially. Besides all the sleepless nights and other struggles, student life is also full of positive experiences that shape our personalities and help us navigate in our future endeavors.
University or college life can be stressful and overwhelming for students as they navigate through plenty of academic, social, and personal challenges. That’s when humor (in the form of funny posts, jokes, or memes) comes in handy! It can offer a much-needed break from the monotony of one’s daily academic routine and provide a sense of relief and connection among students. We hope that these images are just what you need right now!
Wife -"Yesterday you said you'll do it today" Me - "No, I said I'll do it Tomorrow"
What makes university memes so popular is their relatability. Many people can identify with the situations depicted, having gone through similar experiences during their time as students. From procrastinating on studying for an exam until the last minute to opting for a nap instead of writing an essay, these memes resonate with all of us who have been through the university experience.
Some editors started introducing same sex couples, but they ended doing this, because their books coulnd't be sold in some countries.
The period of being a student can also be a very epidemiologically vulnerable time, and the significant changes that often come with attending college or university can be added stressors. According to a survey conducted in 2022 by Gallup and the Lumina Foundation, 2 out of 5 undergraduate students say they frequently experience emotional stress while attending college. It shows that the need for support is urgent, as constant stress and anxiety can lead to dropping out and/or serious mental health problems.
It’s important to prioritize your mental health, practice self-care, and seek out support when needed. Remember that taking care of your mental health is a crucial part of your overall well-being and academic success!
i remember that episode. it gives my deja vu in my dining room because they look so similar
animating in a nutshell- like the end product can be absolute c**p but ya know I FINISHED and that's BETTER THAN YOU >:)
I always lay down on the floor because “I can’t possibly fall asleep on the floor”…yeah. I can.
this happened to me tonight. it still feels glorious! (47, working in finance)
we should have a professional way of saying "i have no idea where this idea came from, but i know i heard it somewhere"