Everybody should know basic First Aid, but few people actually do. Sure we’ve all seen people being resuscitated in movies, but would you actually know what to do in real life? Well, while this First Aid Blanket won’t compensate for proper First Aid training, it might still help you to save somebody’s life.

Designed by Zhejiang University, China, the blanket, which won the prestigious Red Dot Award for conceptual design in 2014, is specifically designed to assist in cases of drowning. From how to unblock airways and check for circulation to how to correctly administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), it’s full of useful information that even a person without knowledge of First Aid can follow. The instructions are clearly printed alongside simple diagrams to help you provide basic assistance to somebody in need until paramedics arrive on the scene.

More info: Ippinka | Red Dot Award (h/t: designyoutrust)