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Cheap Tippers Lose Their Free Meals After Woman’s Fiancé Quits Paying For Their Restaurant Bills

Cheap Tippers Lose Their Free Meals After Woman’s Fiancé Quits Paying For Their Restaurant Bills

Interview With Expert Fiancée’s Fam Leaves $1 Tips For Staff So Guy Decides To Stop Paying For Their Meals, They Get AngryFuture In-Laws Furious With Man As He Stops Paying For Their Dinners Because They Tip PoorlyCheap Tippers Lose Their Free Meals After Woman’s Fiancé Quits Paying For Their Restaurant BillsIn-Laws Lose Their Free Meal Perk After $1 Tip Leaves Son-In-Law Shocked And DisappointedGuy Quits Paying For Fiancée’s Relatives In Restaurants Because They’re Cheap Tippers, Drama EruptsGuy Bankrolls $200 Restaurant Dinners With Future In-Laws, Balks As They Tip $1 At MostMan Stops Covering Meals For Fiancé’s Family After Finding Out They Only Tip $1, They’re FuriousMan Pays For Fiancée’s Fam’s Meals, They Leave Tips, Refuses To Do So After Learning They Tip $1Man Always Pays For Fiancé’s Family At Dinner, Finds Out They Are Bad Tippers, Refuses To Pay AgainCheap Tippers Lose Their Free Meals After Woman’s Fiancé Quits Paying For Their Restaurant Bills

Does a $1 tip even count as a tip? Or is it just a reminder that some people treat generosity like a bad stand-up routine? Leaving pocket change for service that went above and beyond isn’t just stingy – it’s practically a roast.

Tipping is one of those unspoken social rules where a little thoughtfulness goes a long way, but not everyone seems to have gotten the memo, like our Redditor’s soon-to-be in-laws. Our guy found himself in the middle of a tipping tug-of-war with his fiancée’s family, and the result was as awkward as trying to split a check among 12 people.

More info: Reddit


    Leaving a stingy tip is like proposing with a candy ring – cheap, cringey and unforgettable for all the wrong reasons

    Image credits: makafood / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    One 23-year-old man was insulted by his fiancée’s family after he refused to pay for their dinners because of their cheap tipping habits


    Image credits: Sergei Starostin / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    The man takes his future in-laws out for dinners on a regular basis, always pays the entire bill and asks them to cover the tip only, but he’s shocked to find out they only leave $1


    Image credits: Los Muertos Crew / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    The family always expects him to pay for the bill, since he’s wealthy, but only tip $1 each time, even for a $240 bill


    Image credits: anon

    The man refuses to pay for the in-laws anymore, telling them they can cover their own bill from now on, but has been insulted with racist comments because of it

    The OP (original poster) took his fiancée’s family out to a swanky Korean BBQ spot, owned by his uncle. Feeling generous, he paid the $240 bill for the meal, asking only that they handle the tip. Easy peasy, right? Except, instead of a reasonable gratuity, they tipped…one solitary dollar. That’s not a tip, that’s a slap in the face to the waitress, the chef and even the cow that donated its juicy meat to their feast.

    The OP was floored when he discovered this cheap tipping habit wasn’t a one-time slip – it was the family’s standard practice. If you’re rolling your eyes right now, you’re not the only one. I’m pretty sure our OP was too. He had had enough and told his fiancée he wouldn’t be treating her family to dinners anymore.


    The family didn’t take this news well, of course. They had just lost their free biweekly meal ticket, and they weren’t happy about it at all. They accused the OP of being ungrateful, ironically, and argued that, since his family is wealthy, he should continue to pay for their meals, out of some twisted obligation. Excuse me, but last I checked, wealth doesn’t come with a side of “pay for everyone else’s bad manners.”

    When he showed them he actually meant what he said, things got ugly. His fiancée’s family bombarded her with calls, throwing out offensive, racist remarks about Koreans and implying she should dump him. While his fiancée sided with him, the result left the OP questioning whether he handled things the right way.

    Image credits: Alex Green / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    Here’s the thing, though: tipping in the U.S. (where our story takes place) isn’t just polite, it’s expected. While restaurant staff earn a base wage, tips make up a significant chunk of their income.


    To find out more about this topic, Bored Panda reached out to America’s trusted etiquette expert Thomas P. Farley, also known as Mister Manners, for some comments. He told us that tipping customs vary widely around the world. In the U.S., tipping is deeply ingrained in various settings, from restaurants to salons and hotels.

    However, in many Asian countries like Japan and China, tipping isn’t common and might even be perceived as disrespectful, as it could imply dissatisfaction with their wages. To navigate these differences, it’s wise to consult reliable resources, such as travel guidebooks or etiquette guides. When unsure, asking a local is always a good strategy.

    We asked Farley what’s the best way to approach someone who habitually tips poorly without causing offense. He explained that tipping is a personal decision, influenced by individual perspectives or misunderstandings about social norms. In some cases, like dining out, tipping has clear guidelines, but in others, such as tipping at a coffee shop, it’s more discretionary.

    “I would not advise telling an individual they are tipping too little unless the two of you have a close relationship.  It may be that they miscalculated (we are not all so good at math) but it may also be they have a different mindset about tipping. You don’t want to accuse someone of being cheap,” Farley added.


    We wanted to know what is generally considered a good tip in the U.S. Farley explained that a standard tip for quality service in the U.S. is around 18-20%, with exceptional service warranting 25% or more. For casual takeout, tipping is optional, and even small amounts are acceptable. However, customers who choose not to tip might notice judgmental looks from staff when they decline.

    We asked Farley if a bad tip is better than no tip. He told us that it depends on how “bad” the tip is. Leaving a symbolic penny after a good meal might be more insulting than tipping nothing at all. “If you have a fantastic meal and leave a penny for a tip, I would imagine most servers would rather you not bother. With that said, if by ‘low,’ we are talking 10-15% versus the standard 15-20% or more, something is better than nothing,” he added.

    What do you think of this story? Drop your comments below!

    People in the comments say the man is not a jerk for refusing to pay for the family’s meals, arguing they are only using him for his money






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    Monica Selvi

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    Hi! I'm Moni. I’m a globetrotting creative with a camera in one hand and a notebook in the other. I’ve lived in 4 different countries, an visited 17, soaking up inspiration wherever I go. A marketer by trade but a writer at heart, I’ve been crafting stories, poems, and songs, and creating quirky characters since I was 7.

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    Rūta Zumbrickaitė

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    Hi! Nice to meet you~ I'm very passionate about animals, especially cats, photography, small DIY projects, music and so much more! Could say I am the TV show The Office connoisseur since I have seen it at least a dozen times~

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    Janelle Collard
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If OP marries his fiancée, this cheapness on the in-laws part will escalate. I agree with the above posters who said fiancée *knew* her parents were not tipping + said NOTHING to OP. He needs to rethink this whole engagement.

    Community Member
    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    TO ALL NON AMERICANS. We don’t like the tipping system either, but unfortunately, it’s the system in place right now. If you can’t afford to tip, don’t go to a sit down restaurant or order delivery. Also, if you had an $80 meal with a $20 tip, that same meal would be $100 without tipping. It’s the same. Also also, I have many friends and family in the bar/restaurant industry, and they make a ton of money from tips. Almost all of them have said they would lose money if they made $20-$25 an hour with no tips.

    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not a big advocate for tipping but I don't go out often so I do it. Yesterday I had a Chinese delivered, £45 including a £3 delivery charge, I still gave the driver a fiver tip, always do.

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    Granny's Thoughts
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These cheapskates look down on you because you are Korean. They tolerate you only because you have money. They are racist and gold diggers. If they thought you lost all your money somehow, they wouldn't bother with you at all. Would your fiance take you "for poorer"???

    Joyce Brown
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glad you said it, granny! This needs to be front and center in this conversation. I couldn't have said it better.

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    Janelle Collard
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If OP marries his fiancée, this cheapness on the in-laws part will escalate. I agree with the above posters who said fiancée *knew* her parents were not tipping + said NOTHING to OP. He needs to rethink this whole engagement.

    Community Member
    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    TO ALL NON AMERICANS. We don’t like the tipping system either, but unfortunately, it’s the system in place right now. If you can’t afford to tip, don’t go to a sit down restaurant or order delivery. Also, if you had an $80 meal with a $20 tip, that same meal would be $100 without tipping. It’s the same. Also also, I have many friends and family in the bar/restaurant industry, and they make a ton of money from tips. Almost all of them have said they would lose money if they made $20-$25 an hour with no tips.

    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not a big advocate for tipping but I don't go out often so I do it. Yesterday I had a Chinese delivered, £45 including a £3 delivery charge, I still gave the driver a fiver tip, always do.

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    Granny's Thoughts
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These cheapskates look down on you because you are Korean. They tolerate you only because you have money. They are racist and gold diggers. If they thought you lost all your money somehow, they wouldn't bother with you at all. Would your fiance take you "for poorer"???

    Joyce Brown
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Glad you said it, granny! This needs to be front and center in this conversation. I couldn't have said it better.

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