This Online Group Exists To Celebrate The Derpiest Dogs Ever Caught On Camera (50 New Pics)
InterviewDogs are notorious for their devotion, playfulness, and endearing personalities. Besides that, they are also known for their clumsiness and downright derpy behavior. Those adorable silly moments, from slipping on hardwood floors to getting stuck in small spaces, surely bring laughter to dogs’ owners' lives and it would be unfortunate to keep them to oneself!
To showcase some of the funniest and most amusing examples of dogs being derps, we’ve gathered the best pictures from this subreddit called “Animals Being Derps”. Here, animal lovers share photos and videos of their beloved pets in all their silly glory.
Scroll down to see some of our favorite adorable derpy dog moments captured on camera. For more entertaining photos of our furry friends, check out our previous articles here and here.
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When You Don't Know What You're Doing But You Want To Help
Darwin Does A Very Good Job Finding Drugs And Posing For Pictures!
He Hides Every Time We Try To Put His Leash On To Leave The Dog Park
Bored Panda got in touch with one of the moderators of the subreddit “Animals Being Derps”, leftabitcharlie, who was kind enough to answer a few questions about the group and people’s fascination with derpy animals.
The subreddit was created in 2013 and for the time being has more than 7 million members who share their love for silly pet moments. Leftabitcharlie revealed that the idea to create this subreddit simply emerged after seeing similar groups posting much of the same content. “I just came up with the name and did the initial legwork of finding a bunch of derpy-looking animal photos and posting them with admittedly silly and largely low-quality titles. After it began growing, I asked around for extra mods and design help and the rest is really mostly on their shoulders. They have kept the subreddit well moderated and as its subject matter is light and fun, it seems to be constantly growing. At this point, I basically just watch from the sidelines.”
Pit Puppy's First Reaction To Snow
The Tongue Hanging Out Is What Gets Me
I Turned On The Lights To My Vanity, Then Went To The Bathroom Quickty To Brush My Teeth. This Is The Situation I Returned To….
If none of these pictures made you go “aww”, we believe that at least one put a smile on your face. One of the reasons why we find derpy dogs so amusing is their ability to make us feel better, even on our worst days. Their silly antics can be just the thing to brighten up a gloomy mood. Whether it's their clumsiness or their knack for getting into trouble, derpy dogs have a way of reminding us to appreciate the little things in life.
Leftabitcharlie shared that they have never owned a dog. However, they have always had cats and they love dogs too. After being asked what they love about these derpy creatures, the moderator replied that the key to a good derp is a good combination of innocence and silliness. “I think we are drawn to pure emotion and action without any thought (or understanding) of external perception, and we see this kind of behavior in animals and babies (and maybe yearn to be able to be so free).”
Nola On Our Morning Walk. I Thought I’d Take One Of Those Cute Pics Of A Happy Dog Run But I Got This Instead
You Would Be At The Park A Lot Sooner If I Could Have That Back…
My Puppy Fell Back Asleep While Getting Out Of His Bed
Bored Panda has also reached out to Dr. Kate Mornement, Ph.D, a Board Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist (CAAB) through the Animal Behavior Society. She consults with pet owners and people working professionally with animals and writes a regular blog on pet behavior and training.
Kate is passionate about animal behavior, training, welfare and the human-animal bond. You can find out more about her and her work on her website, Instagram or Facebook.
I’m Trying To Work But This Guy Is Distracting Me So Hard
After A Long Day Of Playing
Met This Goofball At My Apartment Complex
Dogs are known for their loyal and affectionate nature, and as a pet owner, it's important to ensure that your furry friend is happy and content. But how can you tell if your dog is feeling good? According to Kate Mornement, common behaviors that indicate a dog is happy include a slow wagging tail, lying down with their hips relaxed, squinty eyes and a lolling tongue. They may also appear to smile!
When You Swear You Weren't Raiding The Closet But The Evidence Suggests Otherwise
Was Looking For My Pup During A Thunderstorm
Hi Friends!!
Dogs have been man's best friend for centuries, providing companionship and loyalty that is unmatched by any other animal. As a result, it's no surprise that dogs have become an integral part of our lives, and we strive to ensure that they are happy and well-adjusted. But have you ever wondered how our interactions with dogs affect their behavior and emotions? That's what Kate Mornement had to share: "our dogs are always learning about the consequences of their behaviour and how to get what they want when interacting with us. Sometimes people are unaware that they are rewarding undesired behaviour with things their dog values. For example, giving their dog attention when they jump up. Our behaviour can also affect our dog's emotions. If we get mad at them, they often feel stressed or anxious whereas if we play their favourite game with them they will likely feel happy and excited."
House Didn’t Have An Internal Door To Our Side Yard, So Landlord Built Our Dogs This
When I Call His Name…
My Dog Finally Noticed My New Fish
We got curious about whether a dog's breed or background affects its behavior and bond with humans. Kate Mornement shared that breed is generally a poor predictor of temperament and behavior. "However certain breeds are more likely to exhibit specific behaviors. For example, most Retrievers retrieve balls and toys and many Border Collies herd things like birds or kids. A dog's early experiences (good and bad) certainly impact their behavior and view of the world and this can impact their bond with people if they've had negative experiences with people in the past. The good news is that these issues can usually be overcome with some love and positive reinforcement training."
Dogs have been our loyal companions for centuries, providing us with love, affection, and companionship. However, despite our long history with these furry creatures, there are still many misconceptions about their behavior. According to Kate, one of them is that dogs need a "pack leader" or for you to be dominant over them in order to behave. "This outdated view has been debunked however it still persists. Thanks to an explosion in canine science we now understand that dog behavior is driven by consequences, just like ours. Dogs repeat behaviors that work for them. They are not trying to dominate!"
Earl The Grumpy Puppy
He Sits On The Other Dogs He Likes
Everytime I Walk Her, She Turns Around Every Few Steps To Flash This Smile
Stands As He Wishes
I Think He Likes His New Toy
Trying To Take A Nice Picture In Front Of The Louvre
He's Here To Give A Helping Paw
Dog Forgetting To Act Like A Dog
Her Ball Is Broken But She Still Loves It. Sometimes, She’ll Briefly Wear It On Her Nose
What Kind Of Frog Is This?
Of Course He Had To Be In The Picture
Our New Ten Week Old Puppy, Holly, From A Distance I Thought She Had Taken Part In A Violent Massacre, On Closer Inspection It Seems She Just Found The Blackberries
She Barges In And Stands Like This Until I Chase Her
When Greg Isn’t Wearing A Box On His Head, He Insists On Being Held After Every Work Day
Woken Up Mid Nap
My Wife's Guide Dog Likes To Get His Nose Stuck In His Figure 8 Toy. We Help Him Get It Off An 5 Seconds Later It's Stuck Again. Trained Since He Was 4 Months Old And Still, When The Harness Comes Off The Derp Goes On
Majestic Beach Dogs
"Just Act Casual"
I Love My Dog, But There Are Days....
He Fell Asleep With His Face In My Boot
Fell asleep? Or do you have particularly smelly shoes and he passed out in there?
I Said Sit. He Backed Up And Sat Like This
Meet Hobbes. He’s Currently Experiencing His First Existential Crisis
I’m Pet Sitting. He’s Obviously Telling Me There’s Something I Haven’t Discovered Yet…
Just you wait...hope it's not one of those moist, steamy brownies in the dark
When Life Hands You Lemons, Just Eat The Blinds
Just A Pup And His Branch
Truly Majestic
For Some Reason He Loves Sitting Like This
Successfully Stole A Chicken Tender Face
This Is What Our Dog, Broccoli, Does Everytime Hes Told To Go To His Room For Misbehaving
Am Like Hooman Child (He Didn't Want To Leave The Goose Pond)
Do Huskies do what toddlers do when they stiffen up like a board so you can't pick them up or put them in a car seat?