I am not sure if you are aware of all the American hunters, proudly butchering our animals here in Southern Africa.

Is it pure ignorance, stupidity or some form of “hunting keeps the animals alive” mentality? Because hunting does not keep the animals alive; conservation, education and respect keeps them alive.

Daily I see these people standing over their kill of rhino, giraffes, lions, elephants and more, and for what? Do they even take the animal back home?

Why don’t they just start cutting away at the Grand Canyon, or slowly chopping Mount Rushmore, or killing the mountain lions, bald eagles and bison?

Animals are as much a part of our heritage as the tribes, the national monuments, the politics and more.

Please would you educate your people on the wrong doing that their selfish endevours are causing. The arrogance that the people of your country brings to ours has stopped being laughable, and is now plain disgusting, disrespectful and unacceptable, not only to me, but to the future of many species in our land.

I ask you to please take this up. Our country is in a bad way as it is, and for it to lose its wildlife, like a mother to lose her children, would be tragic.

A South African citizen

Is this what a date looks like in America?

Melissa Bachman flashing a dazzling smile over the corpse of one of our Big 5


Is this necessary Rebecca Francis?

Don’t even get me started on this one.


Sabrina Corgatelli

What a great lesson to teach kids. Kill other countries’ animals. Kill animals full stop.

Eric Trump looking pathetic behind a beautiful Kudu.

The infamous Walt Palmer proud behind the infamously endangered Rhino.


Walt Palmer.