“It’s My Birthday, Too!” Artist Responds To Choosing Beggar With Their Own Trick, And They Immediately Lose It
Choosing beggars are their own breed. They go through life using logic other people can’t even process and remain quite a mystery. However, reddit user /u/II-I-Hulk-I-II is one of the few people that understand it. Recently, when a potential client messaged them, asking for a 50% discount on their services because “it was their birthday,” the artist applied the same logic and quickly reduced them to curse words.
Image credits: II-I-Hulk-I-II
After some commenters started complaining about the math, /u/II-I-Hulk-I-II said:
“I didn’t mean to state that I was adding 50% of the already discounted price because that wouldn’t make sense with the joke, although, I can see how the wording may have suggested that to some people.”
People appreciated the witty comeback
I hate people like this who ask for things for free or with big discounts I mean, how do you expect these people to eat and pay bills
i would not give that asshat one "purse cent", pocket cent, wtf ever
I hate people like this who ask for things for free or with big discounts I mean, how do you expect these people to eat and pay bills
i would not give that asshat one "purse cent", pocket cent, wtf ever