The Sad Goodbye Between Cat And Puppy Best Friends After Puppy Finds Forever Home
This cat and puppy became best friends and their story warmed the hearts of thousands of people. The cat named Ms. Cheerio took care of Elvis the puppy since he was a tiny pup, so their bond grew really strong. Sadly, it was time to say goodbye once Elvis found his forever home.
The owner Corrinne Minnard told us: “Cheerio is our rescue kitty who gets along really well with our family’s show dogs. When we had a litter of 9 puppies, Elvis was the last in the litter to go home to his forever family, and the two of them became great friends. Cheerio also loves the puppies’ great-grandma!”
More info: Instagram | youtube.com
The heartwarming last moment goodbye before the puppy leaves to his forever home
Image credits: shastastaffordsanddobermans
Image credits: asherthestafford
Image credits: asherthestafford
Image credits: asherthestafford
Image credits: asherthestafford
Image credits: asherthestafford
Image credits: asherthestafford
Image credits: asherthestafford
Ms. Cheerio
Image credits: asherthestafford
Elvis and his new owner
Image credits: asherthestafford
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