This Facebook Group Documents Examples Of Bad Drivers, And Here Are 35 Of Their Funniest Posts
There’s nothing like the sense of adventure you get while sitting comfortably in your car, winding your way down a scenic path, with a good song on the radio. Maybe you’ve got great company in the car, keeping you smiling throughout. Maybe you’re planning a stop at the world’s best roadside diner later on. Whatever the case—you’re brimming with joy and happiness.
However, that’s an overly romanticized view of driving. Everything up above doesn’t happen all too often. In reality, the world of driving is… well, it’s imperfect to put it diplomatically. Road raging jerks, impatient drivers who will zoom past you because you were adhering to the speed limits, clunky cars, and accidents that seem like they’re from a comedy show are just the tip of the iceberg.
The popular ‘Bad Drivers’ Facebook group shows us the utterly hilarious and sometimes totally bizarre side of driving and we’ve collected some of their very best posts to help speed your way towards the weekend. Check out the driving pics and memes about bad drivers below, remember to upvote the ones that you enjoyed the most, and tell us all about what you love and hate about driving the most in the comments, dear Pandas.
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The ‘Bad Drivers’ Facebook group was founded over 3 years ago, back in January 2018. Since then, it has amassed a pretty large following with its driving-related content. At the time of writing, the online group had just over 595k members. In the last week alone, there were a whopping 8.7k new members.
The group had 374 posts in the last month, which averages to just over 10 per day. Though that number can vary wildly. For instance, within the last 24 hours at the time of writing, there had been 33 new posts shared by members of the group.
"Park according to the rules"
The administrators and moderators ask that all members of the group be “kind and courteous” to one another and respect each other’s privacy. They’re very firm about there not being any bullying or hate speech, too. What’s more, any sort of self-promotion or spam isn’t allowed. The content has to be related to driving and, well, bad drivers in some shape or form. Random and irrelevant posts won’t get you much love on ‘Bad Drivers.’
"This should be ticketable offense"
Can someone please explain to me why everyone isn't just changing lanes? I know this is really inconsiderate of the first driver to be so slow in the "fast lane" but why not just pass him? UPDATE: Thank you informative pandas. 🤔
Driving is just like any other skill—the more experience you have, the more effort you put into honing your abilities (and talents if you’ve got any), the better you’ll perform. So being a good driver is about putting in the time and improving slowly over time. There are no shortcuts because patience, perception, the ability to keep cool under stress, and being able to react quickly are what’s needed. You can’t cheat your way into that, so be prepared to put in a lot of hours behind the wheel before you feel confident.
"Only in Tennessee do you put your woman out on the top of the car."
"I'll just hop the curb" he said, "it will be fine" he said.
Confidence, or rather overconfidence, can be very insidious, however. You can’t ever fully relax behind the wheel because that’s when accidents tend to happen. You always need to be aware of your surroundings. Texting someone while driving is way out of line. Leave your 101 unanswered Facebook messages and 13 emails for when you’re getting a cup of coffee or when you’re safely back home.
"I have so many questions…"
It’s common sense that you shouldn’t drive when you’re sleepy or if you’ve had any alcohol. What’s more, you ought to adjust your mirrors properly every time you get into the car. Obviously, don’t forget to view your mirrors. And however fun the ‘Fast & Furious’ films might look, in reality, speed won’t get you anywhere but in danger if you lack the necessary skills and control. It’s always best to match the speed of the traffic and play by the rules. After all, you want to be a good driver, not a bad one. Right?
Have you seen the new Chevrolet Jeep crossover? It's fully functional with passenger view control and an open concept no-doors design.
"No disabled disc displayed and walked into the supermarket with the carpark only half full."
How to change engine oil - "Squeeze the car until the old oil is fully extracted..."
"More cyclists. Turns out they aren't very good in cars either"
"boy she high as hell"
Do not move. I don't care if the light turns green. I would sit as still as possible until this car leaves the intersection. I do not trust that driver and that kind of driving terrifies me.
The truth about this picture, is that the street was one way and already put the parking spots that way. Few weeks later, due to traffic the street remaind one way street but in the opposite direction. So, basically, it's nothing wrong(except the municipality should mark again in the other way the parking spots)
one thing I really admire about U.S drivers is how polite they are (in general, of course) and how they follow basic common courtesy rules. I've lived in a lot of places, and even though there's always good, bad and in between, U.S drivers are, by far, my favorite. As a fellow driver, and also as a pedestrian (especially the latter). In the city I currently live, drivers park on the sidewalk (and have the audacity of getting offended when you complain, which I always do while laughing at them), they think everything is a highway (even narrow neighborhood streets where kids play) and everything you can imagine. The worst part? compared to the rest of south american, chilean drivers are the nicest. In Peru they don't even stop at crosswalks. If you're lucky, they'll respect a red light. Fun fact: two days ago, some idiot blocked my driveway, and when I went to tell her to move her car, she started yelling at me about how uneducated I was, and "threatened" to call the cops because I was "disrespectful" (because I told her to move her car, not only because she was blocking my driveway, which is a violation already, but because my street has no parking allowed during certain hours -clearly another violation)... anyway, I ended up calling them, and they gave her not one, but TWO tickets, which I knew would happen. The officer even told her she was being ridiculous and childish 🤣🤣🤣
Some of these are bad drivers. Some are just poor people trying to get by. Kinda sad really. To have to go through that is bad enough. To have some judgy a**hole post your pic as a gag without your consent makes it worse.
Being poor sucks. All the same, driving some cobbled together thing that's mostly duct tape and rust, without properly functioning brakes, tyres etc, is dangerous for other road users as well as the driver. If your poorly maintained car can't stop suddenly when it needs to, for example, that's an accident that didn't need to happen.
Load More Replies...Even if the vehicle you drive is a piece of sh*t, make sure it is roadworthy and you have functioning brakes and good tread on your tyres. I've driven used cars for most of my life and though they weren't the prettiest to look at, I always made sure my tyres and brakes were in good shape.
one thing I really admire about U.S drivers is how polite they are (in general, of course) and how they follow basic common courtesy rules. I've lived in a lot of places, and even though there's always good, bad and in between, U.S drivers are, by far, my favorite. As a fellow driver, and also as a pedestrian (especially the latter). In the city I currently live, drivers park on the sidewalk (and have the audacity of getting offended when you complain, which I always do while laughing at them), they think everything is a highway (even narrow neighborhood streets where kids play) and everything you can imagine. The worst part? compared to the rest of south american, chilean drivers are the nicest. In Peru they don't even stop at crosswalks. If you're lucky, they'll respect a red light. Fun fact: two days ago, some idiot blocked my driveway, and when I went to tell her to move her car, she started yelling at me about how uneducated I was, and "threatened" to call the cops because I was "disrespectful" (because I told her to move her car, not only because she was blocking my driveway, which is a violation already, but because my street has no parking allowed during certain hours -clearly another violation)... anyway, I ended up calling them, and they gave her not one, but TWO tickets, which I knew would happen. The officer even told her she was being ridiculous and childish 🤣🤣🤣
Some of these are bad drivers. Some are just poor people trying to get by. Kinda sad really. To have to go through that is bad enough. To have some judgy a**hole post your pic as a gag without your consent makes it worse.
Being poor sucks. All the same, driving some cobbled together thing that's mostly duct tape and rust, without properly functioning brakes, tyres etc, is dangerous for other road users as well as the driver. If your poorly maintained car can't stop suddenly when it needs to, for example, that's an accident that didn't need to happen.
Load More Replies...Even if the vehicle you drive is a piece of sh*t, make sure it is roadworthy and you have functioning brakes and good tread on your tyres. I've driven used cars for most of my life and though they weren't the prettiest to look at, I always made sure my tyres and brakes were in good shape.