Lady Lives Paycheck To Paycheck, Says No To Bestie’s $500 Bachelorette Mini-Vacay, Faces Backlash
Even though getting married is a wonderful thing, the wedding planning itself can be a stressful process. People who are normally quite understanding and gentle might end up becoming incredibly demanding and quick to anger. This doesn’t just take its toll on the bridal couple but also on their friends and family.
This is what a woman went through after her best friend told her she was going to get married. The bride-to-be had planned a lavish bachelorette and expected everyone to get on board with its extreme costs.
More info: Reddit
Weddings are costly events for the couple getting married, but the expenses shouldn’t become the guests’ problem
Image credits: Amar Preciado / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster shared that her best friend, who was getting married, had planned a 4-to-5-day bachelorette party, which she probably couldn’t attend fully
Image credits: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The bridesmaid told her friend that she would only be able to attend two days of the bachelorette party because she had to manage her schoolwork
Image credits: Kaboompics.com / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Unfortunately, the bride-to-be demanded that her bestie attend the event regardless of what she had going on because it was her “job” as she was in the wedding party
Image credits: Dragonbabe9
The poster also found out that she’d have to pay $500 to attend the bachelorette party, which made her feel sick as she knew she couldn’t afford something like that
The OP had initially agreed to be her best friend’s bridesmaid, thinking that it would be easy to manage whatever tasks were given to her. Unfortunately, she soon found out how demanding her friend was when the other woman forced her to attend her 4-to-5-day bachelorette event. The bride did not even consider her friend’s daily schedule and demanded the poster be there for everything.
This sudden change in behavior among soon-to-be brides is more common than you’d imagine. A survey found that almost 71% of women admit to becoming a bridezilla at some point while planning their wedding. This type of behavior involves always prioritizing your feelings over others, and making unreasonable demands without considering people’s schedules and budgets.
This is exactly what the OP faced when her bridezilla best friend ignored her concerns about her school schedule and demanded she attend the bachelorette event anyway. On top of that, the inconsiderate bride expected her bridal party to shell out $500 each if they were going to attend her ‘mini-vacay.’
It’s not always possible for guests to afford such lavish celebrations. According to experts, if the bride or groom isn’t willing to foot the bill for their bridal party, they should consider more affordable options. The couple getting married might feel okay spending lots of money for their event, but they shouldn’t expect other folks to dip into their budget for it.
Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The OP felt caught between a rock and a hard place because she knew she’d not be able to afford to attend the bachelorette party, but she also didn’t want to let her friend down. There were many factors related to her degree, work schedule, and finances that she couldn’t possibly push aside just to be there for her bestie.
Every person wants to be there for their loved ones, especially when they’re getting married, but sometimes finances and other problems can get in the way. In situations like this, it’s best to be honest about what you can and can’t do. Suggest alternative options that fit within your budget and schedule.
Rather than building up resentment against your friend or loved one, it’s better to clear the air and share exactly how you can show up for them. In this situation, the OP tried to do exactly that but her best friend shut her down and kept demanding she come for the bachelorette anyway.
The poster did mention that the extravagant mini-vacation and other demands seemed way out of character for her friend. Although she might feel guilty saying no to the 5-day trip now, later on, when her bestie comes to her senses, she might finally understand the OP’s point of view.
How do you think the poster could handle this situation gracefully without letting her friend down? Share your thoughts down below.
Folks sided with the poster and said that her friend was acting too entitled; they also suggested that the author could drop out of the bridal party to make things easier
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Not even engaged yet? She just wants to party and have it all paid for by friends.
I hope OP "Noped!" right out of that wedding. It'll probably break her friendship with the bride but, honestly? I don't see that as a bad thing.
"She has become a scary person to say 'no' to..." That's quite a red flag right there. I can't imagine hanging out with someone who I was uncomfortable/scared of saying "no" to them.
Not even engaged yet? She just wants to party and have it all paid for by friends.
I hope OP "Noped!" right out of that wedding. It'll probably break her friendship with the bride but, honestly? I don't see that as a bad thing.
"She has become a scary person to say 'no' to..." That's quite a red flag right there. I can't imagine hanging out with someone who I was uncomfortable/scared of saying "no" to them.