Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a sugar glider gliding effortlessly through the air. Get ready for your daily dose of cuteness because we gathered a list of the most adorable pictures of sugar gliders.
You might think that these exotic animals are not meant to be kept as pets, but in reality, when looked after correctly, they are happy to live with people. They have roughly the same intelligence as dogs, in that when trained properly they can learn their name and come when they’re called. They tend to grow a strong bond with their human “families” and are happy to spend time with them.
However, sugar gliders are difficult to care for so we encourage you to think twice before jumping on the sugar glider owner train. They're nice to look at but definitely not for everyone.
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To new or potential owners: please do not be fooled into thinking that salty crackers are a good snack for gliders! Fresh fruits and vegetables, certain life bugs, and an approved diet like OHPW, BML, and VGV (simple google search) are best for the health and happiness of your fur baby!
Flying squirrels used to come to my black oil sunflower seed feeder every night when I had my farm. When you looked up in the darkness as they approached this is what you saw! Like a bunch of tiny Kleenexes floating in the sky! One of them was not one bit shy! He would come to the feeder when I was standing right next to it! I could have reached out and touched him! both-glide...f4f08f.jpg
Almost looks like he fell asleep while holding on to the hand. Nontheless, it's cute!
Damn, you should put the whole gif, it's so nice when you see him wrap around the fingers.
Actually quite scary, cute and interesting when you realize how big the eye looks like. But overall it looks great!
Oh my gosh that's so cute. I don't usually gush but i'm literally awww'ing and shoving my phone in my partner's face making him awww too
A sugar glider who pauses its snacking to smile for a photo. Great attitude!
I had one that did that a lot. We had to cover our soda cups xD