People Are Sharing Ridiculous Movie Details They Came Up With, And They Hilariously Make Sense (New Pics)
Yeah, movies can be great and all, but the cinephiles who love them can, on occasion, be insufferable. These silly and absurd movie facts (gathered from an online community dedicated to the very same) are a great way to get a groan or a laugh from your favorite movie fans - depending on how uptight they are!
While some of these facts are true, others simply latch onto small details or movie memes that we all love to laugh about. Join us on an absurd and silly romp through real and false cinema lore!
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In Back To The Future 3 (1990), Doc Brown Mistakenly Goes Back A Long Time And Ends Up In A Galaxy Far, Far Away
This action accidentally creates a religion known as the "Mandalorians", a mistaken interpretation of the phrase "Man in Delorean"
Five grand in the mid 1940s is around $75k today. Damn George, I understand your pain totally.
Martin Scorsese Explaining Leonardo Dicaprio How To Have Sex With A Woman Over 25 During Filming Of The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)
The subreddit collecting these fun little jokes, whose name we’d rather not reproduce here, is a good place to catch up on the latest movie gossip and controversies. Half of the funny and absurd movie facts found therein refer to recent events in the world of Hollywood.
It Is Often Mentioned That Actor Paul Rudd Has Barely Aged In Decades
I raise you Maria de Medeiros, who plays a grown woman in Pulp Fiction (1994) and was still casted to play a 12-year old in Stranger Things (2016) almost 22 years later
Shirley Henderson was 37 when she played Moaning Myrtle, the ghost of a 14 year old. She did a fine job -- I didn't even know it was her when I first saw the movies. Nevertheless, and despite her baby face, why didn't they get a MUCH younger actress? I suppose they didn't want the character to age between movies, but a late teen would have been fine.
When His True Identity Is Revealed, Peter Parker Received Very Difference Response From The Public In (2004) And (2021)
This is a reference to the fact that social media changed all of us into monsters
Eternals (2021) Is The First MCU Movie To Feature A Sex Scene, It’s Also The Lowest Rated MCU Movie, This Is Because Marvel Fans Don’t Know What Sex Is So They Couldn’t Relate To It
Harsh burn. I understand it wasn't the best of the movies, but I'm still one of those weirdos that actually liked the movie. XD
A few of the facts are true, while some of them are just realistic enough to be believable. One fun game to play with your friends could be to share some of the more believable facts from this list and see what they make of them!
The Show Must Go On, Right?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) Could Not Be Remade Today As He Would Be Shot At If He Tried Running Through His Neighbors’ Backyards
'Titanic' Is Now 25 Years Old, And So Leonardo Dicaprio Is No Longer Interested In It
Reddit actually has a community of subreddits dedicated to lampooning mainstream subreddits. They all use the same suffix that we’d rather not reproduce here, but they’re a good place to get utterly unhelpful life tips, travel tips, health and exercise advice, and all matter of information that you maybe wish could be useful but isn’t.
At The End Of Back To The Future Part III (1990), The Words ‘The End’ Appear On Screen As The Story Is Over. This Is Thankfully Still True Today As This Is The Only Franchise That Somehow Hasn’t Received Any Unnecessary Sequels
The Promotional Image For "Fast And The Furious" (2001) Contains A Partial Spoiler
Fun Fact: In Terminator 2 (1991), They Cast Twin Actors In Some Roles To Save Money On Visual Effects
Something about the format also touches on the importance of confidence in comedic delivery. The entire format circles around confidently worded and delivered facts that are usually obviously wrong, co-opting accurately informative messaging styles for comedic effect.
In "The Mitchells vs. The Machines" (2020), The Main Character Says To Her Mom: "Thanks For Being The Best Mom Ever". This Is False As The Best Mom Ever Is My Mom
Even Though Nick Offerman Is Not Gay, He Kisses Another Man In "The Last Of Us" Because The Character He's Playing Is A Gay Man Who Kisses Another Man. This Is A Reference To Acting, Where An Actor Acts How A Character Would Act
In Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (1989), Jones Says “It Belongs In A Museum,” Which Is Incorrect, As Priceless Cultural Artifacts Actually Belong To The Indigenous Peoples From Which They’re Pilfered
Unfortunately, a similar conceit is used in the creation of fake news, making it clear just how susceptible we can be to confidence (earned or otherwise). If we were to revisit the idea for a false trivia game from earlier, could such a game help us sharpen our internal fake news intuition? Could such a game measure or improve our capacity to detect confidently delivered falsehoods?
In Beauty And The Beast (1991) Gaston Eats 5 Dozen Eggs For Breakfast Every Morning. This Is 21,900 Eggs Per Year. This Is Why There Is A Egg Shortage
In Candyman (1992), Anyone Who Says “Candyman” Five Times In Front Of A Mirror Gets Killed By Candyman. However, In The Original Short Story, Saying Candyman Doesn’t Summon Candyman. This I
The Movie ‘Braveheart’ Features A Scene With A Car Barely Visible In The Background. Often Cited As An Error, Cars Were In-Fact Widely In Use At The Time Of Filming(1995)
Cars existing in 1995 is the only historicly accurate fact in that movie.
In Pulp Fiction (1994) If You Pause The Movie At This Exact Scene, It Won't Keep Going Until You Hit Play Again
Gotham Is Rasict
True, I used to have a car with darkened windows, I was always getting stopped by the Police, I asked one of them why, he said "It's because we can't see if you're bl... er ... wearing a seatbelt" .
Blazing Saddles (1974) Could Not Be Made Today, As It Was Already Made In 1974
My dad's favorite movie XD He had an accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury and he was near-vegetative, but the campfire farting scene in Blazing Saddles could still make him laugh. :)
In Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (1971), The Children Get Punished For Their Sins: Augustus Gets Boiled For His Gluttony, Violet Gets Exploded For Her Pride, Verruca Gets Dirty For Her Greed, Mike Gets Shrunk For His Arrogance, And Charlie Gets Burdened By Taxes And Osha Fines For Being Poor
Also there's no way those tickets were found randomly. Wonka must have selected those people well in advance to have customized his tour around them and have his agent, the man pretending to be Slugworth, on the scene the moment those golden tickets were "found" to temp each of those kids. So the whole global search for the golden tickets was one big corporate scam for mass profits.
In Watchmen (2009) The Character Rorschach Wears A Mask That Depicts My Parents Arguing. This Is A Reference To The Fact That I Should Probably Go To Therapy
Kim Possible With vs. Without Her Iconic Moustache
In Episode 3 Of The Last Of Us (2023), The Characters Bill And Frank Kiss Multiple Times Throughout The Episode, Which Shows That They Are Very Good Friends
The Floating Feather In Forest Gump Is Not CGI But Done Practically With Stunt Man Edited Out
I Keep Trying To Watch The Day The Earth Froze (1959) But These Three Guys In The Front Row Won't Pipe Down
Avengers: Endgame (2019) Features A Funeral Scene To Memorialize The Last Time You’ll Enjoy An MCU Movie
Technically "Spider Man - No way home" is MCU and it's a great movie IMHO
Shrek - Behind The Scenes
In Endgame (2019) Tony Stark Repeats The Line "No Amount Of Money Ever Bought A Second Of Time", While Just A Hours Beforehand He Used His Great Resources As A Bajillionaire (Bought With Money) To Time Travel And Eventually, Meet His Dad Again
In Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, Harry Buys Everything On The Trolley (He Literally Flashes Some Money And Says "We'll Take The Lot")
In Shrek (2001), Fiona Finally Ends Up With Shrek, Only After Transforming Into A Green Ogre Permanently
This is because the moral of Shrek is that only people who are the same color belong together
In Avatar (2009), The Protagonist Jake Sully Turns Blue. This Is Because He Is A Marine And Ate Too Many Blue Crayons
What A Stupid Idiot
While Most Batman Stories Convey That Joker Is Insane And Terrifying To The Audience By Making Him Look Like A Deranged Clown, Gotham (2014-2019) Conveyed This By Making Him A Ginger
Hey! I'm married to a ginger and she's ... um. Okay, she's totally bat-s**t crazy! (but that's why I love her :)