When it comes to serial killers, scientists and psychologists have long debated the question of nature versus nature. Did life events make them prone to violence, or are some people simply born to kill?

While the majority of serial killers are middle-aged white men, there are certainly others who don’t fit the typical profile. Perhaps most disturbing of all are those who become serial killers before they are even out of their teens. It’s easy to vilify a murderous adult, but hating someone who is practically a kid? That brings up a whole new set of emotions for everyone involved.

Here are five teen serial killers who tried to get away with murder. Each one was apprehended, but as a word of warning, some readers may find their stories distressing.

1. James Fairweather – 15 years old

2. Charles Starkweather

3. Mary Bell – 11 years old

William Heirens – 18 years old

5. Jesse Pomeroy – 14 years old