May 31st is World No Tobacco Day – a day which aims to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinence from tobacco consumption around the world. The yearly campaign by WHO (World Health Organisation) seeks to help educate people on the dangers linked to tobacco. Around 6 million people are killed by tobacco every year. This interactive graphic shows how tobacco smoke affects your body. Aside from affecting your organs such as the lungs, stomach and blood flow, for women it can also affect your fertility issues, yikes! Not just affecting you internally, the graphic shows how smoking can affect your external appearance. If yellow death and acne flare-ups are a big NO NO, then quitting smoking may be a good idea.

More info:

The Devastating Effects Of Tobacco

Face: Acne, wrinkles and discolouration of the teeth

Lungs: Risk of infections, including lung cancer

Fertility: Smokers are twice as likely to be infertile


Legs: The risk of PVD (peripheral vascular disease in arms and legs)