When was the last time you stopped in your tracks and smiled about some little thing like a flower, some music, or a passing ray of sunshine?

Wanting to remind us of the simple joys in life, the Romanian scouts created an origami lantern that they use year after year in a Light Festival. This lantern that they call „gulguță” is a symbol for the beauty of simplicity.

Using just recycled paper, candles and good will, year in and year out they light up Romania’s cities with thousands of these lanterns set up in patterns, creating warm and inviting spaces for their communities to spend quality time.

The pictures presented here are owned by the awesome photographers who have attended the festival. You can find their names and more of their pictures from the festival on this page:

Waiting to be lit and catch life

Some lanterns go up and light the sky in absence of stars

Some mingle among your feet and light the alleys


Some just light up dreams

The little lanterns gathers by the hundreds and by the thousands

Math tests are favourites for recycling and turning into laterns

Stories can also work though


The more the merrier

Photographers swoon over the opportunity

Arranged in various shapes. People gather around the by the hundreds in contemplation

Children feel at home in the fairy tale-like setting


Shows of fire juggling usually follow the event