You kind of know you’ll end up drawing pictures when your grade school notebooks are filled with sketches, doodles and cartoons. Same with middle, high school and college. Fight the will to draw, and you’ve given in to your mortal enemy, boredom.

At 35, I became a dad and life on the creative side was put on hold while working full time and taking odd jobs to help pay for formula and diapers. At 37, I started the cycle over again with our second child. I missed spending time in the studio, but bills gotta get paid. Before I knew it, both kids are grown and gone, and I found that I had my time back to create stuff.

In 2006, I discovered the world of KidRobot and DIY vinyl toys. Taking this 3D canvas and covering it with every medium I had was pure joy! Yes, I still draw and paint, but toys bring a new perspective to the creative process. Since discovering toys, I’ve also used unconventional canvases such as wooden spools, coke cans and juice bottles. Art comes in many packages. Portable art is great as you can share it with the world as opposed to being hung up on a wall by a nail. I love it all, including digital art, which is a big time saver.

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