Part 1: “At 13, A Letter to My Future Self”. I have been planning for this photo series for my blog Journeyto2020 for many years and could not wait until the magic number “13”. I wanted to make portraits of my daughter and a group of her peers at the age of 13 and ask them each to write a letter to their future 18-year-old self; their 2020 self. However, the project wouldn’t end there. Each participant had to agree to meet me again in 2020 for another portrait/letter session, and perhaps again in 2025.

I began this project last summer, during their 13th year and asked that they write their letter before turning 14. I have known most of these kids since their pre and elementary school days. And, while 7 middle schools, 9 towns, and a countless number of sports teams, music groups and art programs now separate them, they have all remained friends or have become acquaintances. The kids of the Silicon Valley all seem to know one another.

I’m thrilled to introduce this group of twelve Silicon Valley teens, each of whom I will have the privilege of documenting with photographs on their journey to 2020. After each child’s name I’ve included one word their parents were asked to use to describe them when they entered preschool. I look forward to watching them grow and witnessing the young adults they will become. Godspeed!

More info:

Eli – Undaunted

Kiley – Creative

Tyler – Enthusiastic

Ava – Gregarious


Matthew – Curious

Ally – Empathetic

Amar D. – Insightful

Olivia – Outgoing


Jackson – Interested

Meagan – Active

Samson – Fair

Sophia – Tenacious