I’m the head of design for a startup in San Francisco called myWebRoom. We create interactive rooms where our users are able to discover websites, watch videos, and read articles. All of our rooms are fully customizable, but as an artist, I feel that it’s important to pay tribute to those who have inspired me.

A couple examples of tributes that I’ve created have been for Zaha Hadid, the Eames, and Ricardo Bofill’s “La Muralla Roja.” You can find some of my work down below! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. Don’t mind me brushing my teeth and curling my hair in my profile pic.

More info:

Zaha Hadid Yacht Concept Design

Zaha Hadid Tribute myWebRoom Design

Bofill’s “La Muralla Roja” Inspiration

Bofill’s “La Muralla Roja” myWebRoom Design


Casa Nautilus for Space Age Inspiration

Space Age Residence myWebRoom Design


La Maison De La Celle-Saint-Cloud House Inspiration

La Maison myWebRoom Design


Eames House Inspiration

Eames House Tribute myWebRoom Design