As an artist, part of what I do is use shapes and colors to communicate ideas. With this series called “Secret in their Eyes”, I aim to raise questions and inspire others to look at glasses and the people who wear them in a brand new way.

Consider these cultural and political icons…. can you imagine Gandhi without the round glasses? Would he still symbolize non-violence? And, is it a coincidence that John Lennon also wore round glasses? What about Malcolm X – would he be less commanding without the thick-rimmed spectacles?

What do you first think when you see glasses? Are the glasses just for style or are they an extension of their personality? Whatever impression is formed at that moment, is filtered through these biases. If you believe people with glasses are more intelligent, you are not alone. Studies suggest that people believe in this stereotype and deem the person to be more trustworthy. But if the frames are obstructing their eyes in an overt way, that may quickly turn into distrust.

Would these icons be as powerful and memorable without their spectacles? I invite you to look into their eyes, and this time, don’t take their glasses for granted.

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