Everyone has a twin somewhere in the big, big world, some people say. Most of us will never find theirs. But, what if our twin had lived in the past? This is the case with the pictures you are going to see. They show nowadays celebrities and their historical twins. Creepy, right?

Macaulay Culkin and the young Vladimir Putin

Tilda Swinton and David Bowie

Brad Pitt and Herman Rorschach

Leonardo DiCaprio and Judy Zipper

Jimmy Fallon and Mahir Cayan

Orlando Bloom and Nicolae Grigorescu

Justin Timberlake and an old time criminal

Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Tharwat


Johnny Depp looks a lot like German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer

Jason Segal and Lee J. Cobb

Christian Bale and Rasputin

Christina Aguilera and Ginger Rogers

Bruce Willis and the WWII General Douglas MacArthur

Alec Baldwin and President Millard Fillmore