Some people probably think that lives of domestic cats that never leave their homes for a walk outside are boring. I can't speak for all of them but I'm sure my cat would disagree.

Besides sleeping and eating, she loves sitting in the balcony, enjoying the view. For hours. She's truly an observer. If she was a human, she would be that stalker grandmother who knows every little thing about her neighbours. And she's not always happy about what she sees.

This is one of those moments. I raise you a challenge to imagine what happened and give my cat a voice. Just put a "thought bubble" next to her and write what was she thinking. For example, you can download one from here. Let's have some fun!


Meanwhile In The Neighbourhood...

Meanwhile In The Neighbourhood...



When You Hear A Container Of Food Being Opened In The Room...

When You Hear A Container Of Food Being Opened In The Room...


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That Man Never Listens...

That Man Never Listens...


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You Are A Witch...

You Are A Witch...


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It Can't Be True!

It Can't Be True!


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