Working with pregnant women, April realised few mothers gave themselves permission to sit still and connect with their baby.
She has combined her love of art and birth to create a unique colouring book for mothers to do just that.

Many women find it hard finding the time to slow down and enjoy their babies. This is especially true for the end of pregnancy when heavily pregnant. They are too excited, nervous, worried, busy, or distracted to sit and connect with their baby.

April’s aim is to help women create the space that will allow them to do this, by reflecting, and meditating while they colour in the mandalas, they will strengthen the bond between mother and child, as well as creating a beautiful piece of art (which can also then be used as a focus piece of visualisation during birth).

Each mandala has been created to help focus on a specific aspect of pregnancy- from conception through to the post natal period, there is a description with each image to help focus on that time and what it means.

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Full Bloom

A bowl full of flowers in full bloom, full of life, about to give birth, opening and dilating, pure beauty and joy. Flowers are synonymous with birth and life.

Suspended Time

The end of pregnancy is often a time where a woman feels like all she is doing is waiting. This is a reminder to take a moment to appreciate this time, embrace the calm and beauty of being heavily pregnant, and relish the time before you meet this beautiful new baby.


Common Unity

Here 8 people are banded together holding hands in a show of community. Parenting is a time when we should be able to rely on those around us to help support us in the tough times, and help us navigate our journey.

Pregnant Sisters


Here four pregnant women are sitting with their arms around each other as they give and find support on the journey they are embarking on together. As a pregnant woman it is so important to ensure you have the right support around you for the whole journey ahead.